St Anselm's Men's Group & Annual Christmas Pudding Evening
The Men’s Group was originally established over 10 years ago and would meet each month from September through to July. Our meetings are a mixture of discussions, sometimes on a spiritual theme and social events. New members always very welcome to come and meet other men from the parish, share a drink and a discussion. We end the evening with night prayer. We are currently looking to re-establish this group so do get in touch with the parish office for further details. The Annual Christmas Pudding Night ‘Stir Up Friday’ This annual event takes place in the crypt of the old hall when up to 70 gentlemen of the parish come together donning their cooking aprons to create two mouth-watering Christmas Puddings (complete with vintage sixpence pieces). The event organised by Tom and Martine has become one of the highlights of the calendar and Brendan with his unique brand of showmanship brings the evening to life! A fish and chip supper are provided for the evening. Canon William concludes the evening with the annual blessing of the puddings before a sing-along by all the gentlemen and another year of the Pudding Club Society is over with puddings being despatched to far flung parts of the Empire & British Isles.