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Aid to the Church in Need (ACN)
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is a Catholic charity directly under the Pope, which is dedicated to helping persecuted and other suffering Christians. Independent reports consistently find that around the world Christians are the most widely targeted faith and at risk of extinction in parts of the Middle East, the birthplace of the Church. Every year, the charity fulfils about 5,000 projects in nearly 140 countries. This work involves help for those fleeing violence or living with oppression, providing emergency aid, as well as training priests and Sisters, providing Mass stipends, building churches, distributing children’s Bibles and teaching the Faith. ACN (UK)’s Head of Press & Information John Pontifex supports Canon William, Martine and the parish team as Master of Ceremonies at St Anselm’s. Through this connection, St Anselm’s has a long and close association with ACN and has formed a close bond with persecuted Christians. Forming a partnership with ACN, the parish has worked with ACN project partner Sister Annie Demerjian RJM, providing food, medicine, shelter and pastoral support in bomb-blasted Syria. In its outreach to our persecuted brothers and sisters, ACN’s benefactors are inspired by the charity’s founder, the late Father Werenfried van Sraaten, who said: “They are being tested in faith; we are being tested in love.” To support ACN, visit www.acnuk.org or contact John Pontifex – Tel. 020 8642 8668; Email: JohnP@acnuk.org