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Bereavement ‘The Emmaus Group’

Healing Ministry is the support to the Bereaved.
“If we live in the Lord, and if we die, we die in the Lord, so then whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s” Romans.

There is a monthly opportunity to be part of a Bereavement Support Group in the Parish and meetings take place in the lower new hall on the third Saturday of each month 3.30-4.30pm (except August). Once a year on All Souls a special service is held “Remembering with Love” offered to the whole parish and a Service takes place in which our loved ones are remembered.

If you would like to meet up with one of our trained listeners or would like more information about the Bereavement Ministry contact the Parish Office or any member of the Parish team. Our fellowship is confidential and covers all aspects of loss including separation. Our listening team is made up of Simon & Ellen English, Tom Gately & Martine Mercer. Please refer to the small booklet on the ‘Welcome Table’ at the rear of the church.

Help with addiction:
Alcoholics Anonymous: 0845 – 7697555
Calix in London:
Safe in Faith:

Click on Read More below for more information.

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