St Anselm's Parish shop in the courtyard.
Opening hours through the year (except the month of August from 8.30am – 12.30pm.
Our parish is very fortunate in that we have a Parish shop selling items of piety and preloved items, all the profits of which go to our Parish charities.
It is a tantalising little shop of surprises, and we carry a large range of cards, gifts, antique and precious items that can be gifted.
We also carry a number of preloved items often of a religious nature that can be recycled and is a precious way of “up cycling” and saving items that can be relocated and used. It is part of our “Live Simply” initiative to make items that strengthen faith easily accessible. This is especially helpful for the elderly as you don’t have to travel too far to find a suitable card or religious gift.
We also believe that in line with our mission statement we are:
Making sure that the faithful are getting the right materials. That is our mission to bring through our items of Christian piety into our homes. Items such as rosaries, crosses, statutes, and some preloved books. That way we can support our Parish by making sure that theologically sound items are in circulation.
We support young people completing their Duke of Edinburgh in offering volunteering and assist them in understanding practical community and fiscal matters.
Payment can be made by cash or card.