Catechism classes (For children attending non-Catholic Schools)
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Catechism classes (For children attending non-Catholic Schools)

These sessions are held on Saturday mornings (term time) 10.45am – 11.30am in the parish halls. Any children aged 4 to 8 years willing to learn or revise their understanding of the faith are welcome to attend. We start and end with prayer. The children learn the basic prayers with an explanation of their meaning and where we get them from e.g. references to the Bible. Readings from the Children’s Bible and explain why they were created, the reason for their baptism and what it means to belong to the family of God. If we have time the children will have a chance to do some drawings and colouring and a small piece of homework; fill in the blanks of a word search relating to what we have learnt at the session. The children have a walk around the inside of our lovely church where they learn about the sacramental signs and symbols, the right way to give reverence to God and genuflect. We go through parts of the Mass and explain the meaning of certain words and what it means to have grace. Please contact the parish office for further details 020 8672 2179.